For Parents

Why Parents Need This Program

The Coaching Coaches parent program is designed to help parents redefine their role in youth sports.  Parents are as important to the success of a season or youth activity as are the children, coaches, officials and organizations.  The program also provides parents with effective nutrition tools which will help keep their child focused and energized before, during, and after practices/games. 

Parents need to properly prepare their child for the season. Parents need to think about how they will react to common occurrences during a game and during a season long before they show up to root for their child. Parents need to adhere to best practices when addressing coaches and administrators, especially when parents feel they have a concern or issue. Parents need to put closure to a season before moving onto the next activity. Finally, parents need to set the example and promote healthy choices for their child as childhood obesity continues to rise across our country. All of these topics are contained with our Coachign Coaches Positive Parent Participation program.and help ensure our children have better experiences.

About Our Parent Program

Positive Parent Participation provides techniques as to how parents prepare, children of any age, for the upcoming season including having age appropriate discussions and practicing some of the skills associated with the upcoming sport or activity. These tactics and strategies will provide for an effective routine which will help children prepare both mentally and physically for the upcoming season.

The in-season portion of any sport or activity is the greatest challenge for our parents. Parents tend to get caught up in the successes or failures of the sport/activity and, for many, have trouble keeping it in perspective. This is when parents are most needed. Parents need to support the program. Coaching Coaches believes parents need to think about various scenarios prior to attending the games. Finally, parents must prepare themselves as to how they will positively and effectively approach a coach or organization administrator when a difficult or sensitive in nature discussion is needed.

Finally, in response to the national childhood obesity crisis, Coaching Coaches developed substantial nutrition information which will get parents to reassess their family’s eating habits. Our nutrition content addresses topics such as the dangers of using food as a reward, how to effectively fuel your child for sports/activities and offers numerous tips on getting kids to multiple sports/activities while providing healthy food choices. The nutrition material provides lifelong eating tips and strategies which will serve children well beyond organized sports or activities.

Explore the Positive Parent Participation program

Meet the founder of Coaching Coaches


“Your stories, material and experience is really appreciated and has already made me a better person.”

Our goal for every coach who participates in this training is for him or her to walk away with one, two, or three concepts that will make him or her a better coach or leader; by doing so, 10 to 15 kids will continually benefit from this one trained coach.